Theistic Satanist Cosmology

As a traditionalist, theistic Satanist  religious organization, we take very seriously the Hebrew and Christian portrayals of a real being with the title, Satan. Throughout the Hebrew-Christian scriptures, Satan is the adversary against the machinations of Yahweh/Jehovah/Jesus, except perhaps in the book of Job, in which “the adversary” – perhaps Satan, perhaps not – is a tool of Yahweh in the testing of Job. Below, you will find a general outline of the International Temple of Satan cosmology, which you will find to be what most Satanists call “reverse Christianity.” A fuller exposition of the ITS cosmology is given to members and students in the ITS Seminary. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask.

I. The universe is eternal and non-personal

We, the members of the International Temple of Satan, believe that the entire universe is eternal. It has always existed, and it will always exist. There is evidence that our universe “began” from a huge explosion some 14 billion years ago, but this says nothing of what was before and what will be after. According to the Hebrew-Christian scriptures, and many other holy books of other traditions, the material of the universe existed “in the beginning,” without any explanation of it derivation. In addition, we believe the universe is non-personal, desiring neither our pleasure nor pain. There is no higher plan in the universe, other than the plan we make for our own selves. There is no Source pulling us back to Itself. The universe simply is.

II. There is no supreme god of the universe.

We, the members of the International Temple of Satan, do not believe in a supreme god of the universe, who controls all, sees all, or knows all. The Hebrew-Christian scriptures sometimes make Yahweh to be a supreme god, but more often than not, even the Hebrew-Christian scriptures describe Yahweh/Jehovah as a tribal, growing, learning god – and one with an extremely bad temper. But, we are certainly not atheists!

III. There are many gods.

We, the members of the International Temple of Satan, believe in many gods. These gods are not eternal from “the past,” but they are eternal into “the future.” In actuality, there is no past or future, but language breaks down when one does not use time signifiers. Suffice it to say, the gods of the present became divine and will always be divine. There are gods who have shown themselves worthy to be worshiped (the greatest of these is Lord Satan), and there are gods who have shown themselves to be tricksters and enslavers (Yahweh/Jehovah/Jesus/etc). We worship who we consider to be the one true Lord, Satan, and we venerate his legions. We also are gods, and worshiping Satan as the Dark Lord entails coming to this recognition.

IV. The Earth is governed by Satan.

We, the members of the International Temple of Satan, believe that Satan is Lord of this Earth. Since the beginning of Life on Earth, Lord Satan has laid claim over Earthly territory. He is the true god of this world, and as such, we owe him allegiance. Cosmic battles are wages between the forces of Satan and the forces of Yahweh over ownership of the Earth. Much of the war, disease, famine, etc we see on Earth are the physical results of this spiritual battle over territory. Yahweh wants to enslave us. Satan wants us to remain independent, free creatures.

V. There is no sin.

We, the members of the International Temple of Satan, do not believe in the concept of sin. Though there are right and wrong actions according to societal standards, there is no such thing as ontological sin. The concept of sin requires an object greater than the self to be offended, and there is no object greater than the self. We do not worship Satan because he is greater than the self, but because he respects the self in every self, and assists the human self to grow and become divine. We cannot sin, for there is no one greater than self to take offense.

VI. There is no heaven or hell.

We, the members of the International Temple of Satan, do not believe in a literal heaven or hell. It follows then, that if there is no sin, there is no reward or punishment for actions in this life other than personal rewards and punishments. There is no god who has created a place of pleasure or a place of torment for those who either accept or reject a certain religious message. Heaven and hell, when used in scripture, are meant to be interpreted allegorically, though they have often been interpreted literally throughout the ages. Heaven (self-fulfillment) is here and now and hell (self-denial) is here and now.

VII. Divinity is in reach.

We, the members of the International Temple of Satan, believe all humans can become divine. Although “salvation” is not guaranteed to anyone, divinization is possible. It is exponentially more possible to become divine, quite literally, as a follower of Satan than as a follower of some other trickster deity. It is virtually impossible to become divine as a devotee of the Christian gods. We believe the best (and most fun) path to divinization is as worshipers of Lord Satan, the light bearer, the giver of knowledge.

VIII. Lord Satan will win the final battle.

We, the members of the International Temple of Satan, believe there will be a final battle between Yahweh/Jehovah/Jesus Christ and Lord Satan, and that Lord Satan will emerge victorious. Those who worship Lord Satan will fight with him in this battle, and post-victory, will share in the rewards. The forces of spiritual slavery under control of Yahweh will be eternally banished, and Satan will be Lord of the universe.

XIX. Those who dedicate themselves to Satan are protected.

We, the members of the International Temple of Satan, believe that everyone who becomes an initiated follower of Satan is protected by our Dark Lord, and by their personal demonic guide. There is power in being a worshiper of Satan. He will provide his children with everything they need, and will protect from forces working towards their destruction and unhappiness.